Getting Your Subaru Ready for the Long Winter Ahead

subaru suv on a snowy road

We all know winter in the Denver and Boulder Colorado areas can be harsh. Significant snowfall and cold temperatures can wreak havoc on your Subaru. Routine yearly maintenance on your car is essential preparation for safe winter driving, so see a Subaru mechanic today. Too many things can go wrong. Here is what you should have checked to get your Subaru ready for winter driving in Colorado.

A regular maintenance check with your Subaru specialist should be your first stop. What might be passable in summer months can be hazardous in cold weather. An oil change is essential if your car is due. You also need good brakes for slippery stops, so make sure your brake pads are in excellent shape and your brake fluid is full and fresh. Have both replaced if necessary. Any engine problems should be taken care of now as well because they will only get worse in the snow and leave you stranded.

Next, you will need to check your antifreeze and windshield wipers. Antifreeze is necessary to keep your radiator running, so be sure a mixture of 50/50 water and antifreeze comes up to the fill line. This is something you can measure with a testing unit or by taking your car to your trusted Subaru mechanic. Windshield wipers are essential to battle mud, snow and freezing rain, so invest in a new pair of wiper blades every winter. Look for a pair without an external spring to prevent frozen joints. A Subaru specialist should also top off your washer fluid tank with straight washer fluid while you are at the shop. This will keep your washers from freezing in the reservoir.

Winter tires are recommended in our Colorado climate and you should have supplies in your car in case you get stranded. Breakdowns happen, so you should be prepared. Keep your car stocked with winter clothes, blankets, water, food and hand warmers, as well as a spare tire. You never know how long you may be stuck, so be sure you have what you need for you and your passengers to survive. Also, keep a shovel and scraper in case you need to dig out your car.

When winter hits in Denver and Boulder, your car needs to be ready. Take your car to the experts at The Subaru Clinic for any maintenance and stock up on supplies so you can travel as safely as possible.

Contact The Subaru Clinic Today – prepare your car for the winter months ahead!

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