4 Reasons to Never Skip or Delay a Subaru Oil Change

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Vehicle manuals usually recommend an oil change every 3,000 or 5,000 miles. Most likely, though, not all Subaru owners religiously follow this rule—and are making a costly mistake.

No excuse is good enough to skip or even delay a Subaru oil change! Below are four reasons to regularly take your Subaru for an oil change in Boulder, CO:

Keep your engine clean.

The dirt that your vehicle accumulates over time causes corrosion. Combined with aging, the oil turns into sludge and decreases your Subaru’s engine life span. Regular oil and filter changes purge engine wear particles and sludge, keeping it in excellent condition.

Provide proper engine lubrication.

A car’s engine has many moving parts that are frequently in physical contact with one another.  This is why proper lubrication is a must! Fresh oil ensures that these moving engine parts are lubricated enough to prevent metal contact or friction.

Reduce vehicle emissions.

This is a no-brainer.  Clean and fresh oil allows the engine to run with much lower emissions, resulting in a significantly reduced carbon footprint. An oil change from a leading Subaru service center in Boulder is all it takes to help keep your engine in excellent shape and reduce emissions.

Extend the life of your engine.

Regular oil changes and filter replacements significantly increase your Subaru’s engine life span. It is an inexpensive way to prevent overheating, excess friction, and wear and tear—all of which can take a toll on your vehicle.

Failing to get your oil changed, or choosing to wait for some reason, will lead to more expensive auto repairs and an even more costly engine replacement should a complete engine failure occur.

Be a smart Subaru owner! Take your car to a specialized Subaru service provider in Boulder.  For minimal oil change and maintenance costs, you prevent future troubles that will cost you time and money!